Design & technical resources

We recommend the following design and technical resources:

Free resources for developing a public-facing COVID-19 website

Public-facing COVID-19 infections dashboards

Image & illustration assets (all resources listed here are safe for free use)


Testing & self-assessment tools

Infection tracking/ tracing

Building your website

FAQs library

Other resources to for your COVID-19 response

  • NY Times articles on Coronavirus - The NYTimes provides a free coronavirus information portal, which contains lots of content and an e-book. Their FAQs section is fantastic.

  • Pandemic Response Repository - A collection of open source digital resources to help governments respond to the Coronavirus from New America. Lots of sample projects + code references that you can take to repurpose.

Listing of U.S. state/ local COVID-19 websites

California, NYC, and New Jersey all have excellent COVID-19 websites in terms of website usability, ease of finding key information, and simplicity.

Last updated

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