Additional considerations
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Additional considerations include incorporating cities with websites, using the CDC coronavirus logo, and obtaining feedback from constituents. See the following for details:
If your government is a state or county and you know of cities within your jurisdiction that have their own coronavirus websites, include a section on your homepage where you list links to those websites so that your users can easily navigate to them. An example of a website that does this centralization very well is one of the South Korean provincial government’s coronavirus website. Gangwon-do is a province in Korea that has many cities in it. This page has a section that lists the coronavirus info websites for each of the cities within the province.
Logos & Images advises to use the CDC’s coronavirus logo to provide visual continuity among all government sites about coronavirus. Do not create any separate logos for the time being.
Using open-source images and other visual assets can make it easier for users to quickly read and understand your coronavirus website information. The [Design & Technical Resources section] of this doc lists some of them for your use.
Getting feedback from your constituents - Constituent feedback is very important. Make sure your website is providing useful information that your constituents need. This will help you understand what additional information you need to publish, as well as what design or feature changes you need to make to your website. We recommend adding a “Submit feedback about this site” link to a Google Form with the following questions:
Did you find the information that you needed? Y/N
What were you looking for?
On a scale of 1-10, how easy was it to find information on this site?
What could be improved about this site?
Can we reach out to you for additional feedback? If yes, then please provide your email address.